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Moms Are Awesome!!

I know a lot of us moms feel like our world is so small and we are not accomplishing anything!! or that we are failing at being a mom. These little ones we have depend on us so much and every memory we have is priceless.

It’s so hard some days to be the mom we want to be. I know I have these feelings daily. Most days I feel like I could have done something different or I could have not gotten frustrated about somethings so easily. It’s ok most Moms feel like this at the end of the day, don’t let it get you down you are doing an amazing job.

Then there is some of us working Moms who work 8 hours or longer which makes us feel like we are missing out on so much in our little one's life. There are a few things I do that makes it a little better for me;
• You can video chat with them on your breaks.
• have the person who is watching them while you are at work, to take pictures and videos for you. This way you don’t feel like you’re missing some much.
I know it helps me get through my workday. And I'm not missing out on as many priceless moments.

We have to remember, Moms our world is not small at all. We made life, we made the world little bigger. These beautiful little people look at us and see the world because we are everything to them.
We are their first teacher in life, we are there for their every tear, for their every smile and for every little too big thing in their life’s.

We as Moms have to remind ourselves, especially on our worsts days that we are strong and beautiful and our world is not that small at all. We have these beautiful little people who look up to us, and we are everything to them.

Mom's are Awesome, somedays you may not feel it, but you are!!

Are you a working Mom? What do you do to make your time away from your beautiful little ones, a little more bearable? How do you make those priceless moments count?

Quotes to live by

"This mothering role will teach you more about yourself than you ever expected. Tricia Goyer

"A mother is the one who is still there when everyone else has deserted you. Author Unknown

"Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation. Robert A. Heinlein

"A mother is a woman who shows you the light when you just see the dark. Grimaldos Robin


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